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   How to detox safely & naturally

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How We Lose Weight
The first step to losing weight is understanding how we gain it.

Detox Diet Weight Loss
How a detox diet will help you lose weight.

Weight Loss Secrets
Experts' takes on what works andwhat doesn't.

Digestion & Weight Loss

Undigested food is a big culprit in weight gain.


Lymph Cleanse
Learn how to detox the lymph system. Plus, foods that naturally detox the lymph.

Lung Detox
How to support lung health this winter with a detox cleanse.

Colon Detox
Colon cleansing is essential to any detox program. Learn how to detox the colon safely.

Liver Detox
The liver is the primary organ of detoxification in the body. Learn how to detox the liver safely with this liver detox gude.


Lemon Detox Diet
The lemon detox diet is one of the best and most simple detox diets. Here's a guide and one-gallon recipe.

Liquid Diets
Fasting with fruit and vegetable juices is a safe and thorough detox method when done properly.

Detox & Weight Loss
Yes, a detox diet will help you lose weight. Before you start any detox diet, read this.

Easy Detox Diet
This weekend detox diet is a safe and gentle detox method, perfect for the detox newbie and the ultra busy.

Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet

The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox has become a favorite of celebrity dieters. In addition to weight loss (21 pounds in 21 days), the plan also promises to deliver more energy, lower blood pressure, a sharper mind and a body cleansed of toxins.

The diet is not for everyone. There is a very strict eating plan and juicing is a central staple. See the FAQ below.

On the program dieters have three choices -- either a two-day plan, a seven-day tune-up option or the full 21-day detox. The daily schedule for all three is the same.

Daily Schedule

IInner Cleanse Daytime Formula- per container directions
1 oz of liquid Berry or 1 oz of liquid Berry with 6oz of water
1 Digestive Enzymes—purchase at health food store
One cup [1] of hot/iced Herbal Tea—(add stevia optional)
1 8oz glass of water [2]

1 8oz glass of water

1 8oz glass of water mixed or blended with 1 scoop of Essential Greens

1 8oz glass of water and or hot/iced herbal tea

1 8oz glass of "live" fresh juiced vegetables
If youÕre not juicing -mix or blend 8oz of water with 1 scoop of VegeSplash
Fresh juiced vegetables are highly recommended
1 Digestive Enzyme

1 8oz glass of water and or hot/iced herbal tea

1 8oz glass of water mixed or blended with 1 scoop of VegeSplash

1 8oz glass of water and or hot/iced herbal tea

1 8oz glass of water mixed or blended with 1 scoop of Essential Greens

1 cup of homemade [3] puree soup
One cup of broth from soup mix
(Add braggs amino acid optional—purchase at health food store)
1 Digestive Enzyme
1 8oz glass of water
1 hot herbal tea

1oz of Aloe –optional—purchase at health food store
1 8oz glass of water and/or hot herbal tea.
Inner Cleanse Nighttime Formula- per container directions

1 teaspoon of CALM mixed with 6oz of hot water (purchase at health food store)
Optional if you have a hard time sleeping

[1] Each cup should be 6-8 oz
[2] Squeeze half a lemon in 8 oz of water
[3] All vegetable soups must be made from distilled water, natural vegetables and spices


For physical activity, followers of this plan are encouraged to walk one mile a day or bounce on a trampoline for 20 minutes. Those following the entire 21-day plan are also advised to have one colonic and one coffee enema each week. Dieters using the seven-day or two-day version skip the colonic, but are still expected to administer one coffee enema to help detoxify.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enzyme pill? WhatÕs this, and where can I get them?
It is a digestive enzyme pill, and you can buy them at any health food store.

Does the diet and the $199 cover enough product to last 21 days or 30 days?
The detox kit provides enough for one person for 30 days. Although, you will still need to purchase additional items, such as a juicer, enzyme pills, etc.

Enema? Does it have to be a Coffee Enema? Can it be a regular enema and if so, which kind?
The coffee enema is very helpful when flushing out the liver organ.We recommend that at least (1) coffee enema is completed before the (21) days are up. Also, the stronger the coffee, a more successful flush will incur. (Remember to use finely ground organic coffee only and wait until the coffee is room temperature before inserting. The longer you can keep the fluid in your system the better the results will be We recommend intaking for at 10-15 minutes. In regards to your daily flush, warm water is sufficient. You may want to try some lemon juice once a week, for a cleaner cleanse. Enema bags may be purchased from your local medical supply store. Please wash out the bag and hose after each use.

Do I need to purchase a juicer?
Yes, you should have a juicer.

I am on my 4th day and I donÕt feel too good. I woke up light headed and a bit dizzy and now my stomach is a bit nauseated. Is this normal?
During a healing crisis, you may experience such reactions as acne, rashes, nausea, headaches, sleepiness, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, runny nose, ear problems, and body aches. If you are concerned about any problems you are experiencing, please consult your physician. SEE PAGE 89

I am starting the detox today, but I can not afford to get a colonics. Should I go through with my detox?
Yes, start to detox. There are several ways to cleaning your colon, from drinking water, to using herbal cleanse formula to giving yourself an enema to getting colonics. SEE PAGE 138

After the 21 days what would I be able to eat or would I continue the program of juices and soups? How do you incorporate regular food after the 21 days if your allowed?
It is very important to come off of your plan in a very specific manner that protects you from re-introducing too many toxins to your body too quickly; starting out with adding protein shakes to your routine. SEE PAGE 192

My husband and I started our detox this morning. Can we have any coffee?
No, the only coffee you should be having is in an organic coffee enema. You should be drinking hot herbal tea.


Detox Foot Pads
Everything you need to know before getting started.

The 12 Most Important Foods to Eat Organic
If you can't afford to buy all your fruits and vegetables organic, at least consider these.

Detox Therapies
Get the most out of your detox program by including these detox therapies before, during and after your detox program.



The Acai Berry:
A Weight Loss Miracle?

The Acai Berry has been getting lots of press for its cleansing and weight loss power. Are the claims really true?

Foods that Detoxify
10 of the top foods that stimulate and support natural detoxification in the body.

Oprah's Green Tea Diet
Truth about the claim of Dr. Nicholas Perricone that you can lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks just by switching from coffee to green tea.



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