Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields are emitted by the electrical lines and electric appliances found in most homes in the developed world.  Because of the widespread use of electricity, exposure is rather universal, but levels vary according to the number of appliances in use, the proximity of the individual to the source of the field and the number of hours a person is exposed to the fields.  For example, sleeping under an electric blanket, or on a waterbed with a heater that has not been redesigned to prevent the emissions, creates a long, nightly exposure.  Likewise, there is some evidence that men who use electric razors may suffer negative health effects due to the close proximity of the shaver's EMF field to the face and central nervous system.

 Epidemiological studies, that is, studies of populations who are exposed to higher levels of EMF versus those who are not, show higher rates of cancer.  Controversy arises because laboratory studies have not consistently shown a cancer connection when lab animals are exposed.  According to Jacqueline Krohn, M.D., co-author of The Whole Way to Natural Detoxification: The Complete Guide to Clearing Your Body of Toxins, "These studies support the hypothesis that ELFs act as a cancer promoter.  ELF fields interact with the cell membrane and can affect hormones, calcium exchange and tissue growth.  It is postulated that the ELFs suppress the production of melatonin, a cancer inhibitor, by the pineal gland."

 Dr. Krohn also states that, in addition to the level of exposure, a person's relative state of health is a factor.  "Dizziness, confusion, hyperactivity, memory loss, sleep disturbances, mood changes, numbness, convulsions, and stress syndromes can result from repeated exposure.  Some people develop frequent infections and/or allergies and sensitivities," she writes.  She provides the following indications that symptoms may be related to electromagnetic imbalance:  If the symptoms worsen a) before a storm and improve after it begins; b) while using the telephone; c) when near fluorescent lights; or d) when near transformers or high-powered electric lines; or if you have difficulty wearing hearing aids or finding a watch that keeps time, or experience other malfunction of electrical equipment when you are near. 

Dr. Krohn's book also provides these prevention tips:

  • chose a home that is a long distance away from transformers or high-voltage wires
  • locate your bedroom as far away as possible from the entry of the electric current into your house
  • keep a minimal number of electric appliances in your bedroom
  • do not use electric blankets, heating pads or the heater in water beds
  • position the head of your bed to the north (best) or east (next best)
  • check your microwave for leaking, and stay at least four feet away when it is operating
  • use a screening shield over your computer screen
  • when traveling, get out of the car periodically and walk to establish ground contact
  • go barefooted as much as possible–many symptoms can be relieved by standing on damp grass or in running water
  • if you have florescent light fixtures, use full spectrum bulbs